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Miah-Tya Nungheena Gowland

Southern Tablelands Arts

Working in the digital creative space has been a passion of mine since I was young. Through graphic design, film, motion graphics and photography, I have expressed personal stories and created content for businesses and myself. Screen arts is my most loved art form, as I thoroughly enjoy every element/process that goes into a film. From writing the script, to planning the pre-production, to directing/producing/working on the cinematography/lighting and audio of the actual filming process and finally the post-production. My work showcases themes and storylines that are important to me, such as growing up in small rural Australian towns, the importance of the land we live on and how that shapes us as human beings and being a creative person. My films have been featured in the Canberra Short Film Festival, Palace Electric Cinema and my motion graphic, ‘Time Well Valued’ was the 2022 Arts Category Winner in the University of Canberra’s Creative Competition. My latest film ‘The Gap Year’ explores the world of zines and growing up in a regional NSW town, it was funded by the Veolia Mulwaree Fund, and is my most proud and professional achievement to date.






Miah-Tya Productions show reel

Artwork description

Miah-Tya Productions Show Reel, 2024, Film shorts from various projects

Behind The Scenes, 2024, Photos of Miah-Tya on the set of various projects


Artist Statement

Being involved with the Horizons Creative Industries Career Launchpad has been a rewarding and insightful experience. It has launched my career, connecting me with fellow film makers and providing a stepping stone into the industry. As a part of Horizons, I’ve been able to work closely with Hiromi Matsuoka allowing me to discuss and receive feedback for my own creative endeavours. Receiving this input from a professional and well established film maker has been invaluable. Some work I workshopped and received advice from can be seen in my Show Reel. Hiromi produced a short film for Horizons, with us (the film group) as the production crew. This experience answered my burning questions and taught us how to efficiently make a professional short film. Film making has been a huge part of my life since I was young, so having the chance to discuss and further my own knowledge with fellow regional, professional creatives has been an exciting and invaluable experience.


Miah-Tya was mentored by Filmmaker Hiromi Matsuoka