Max Burrows
West Darling Arts
Max Burrows (she/they) is an multidisciplinary QPOC creative, working within the realms of printmaking, installation, theatre, and most recently, photography and film. Her approach is informed by a confidently conceptual approach and they enjoy making experimental work to redefine the boundaries of what it means to be a young creative today. Although still in high school, her name is no stranger to the Broken Hill art scene, having exhibited work at the Broken Hill City Art Gallery and with local artists on various projects. Their main influences and muses include teenage emotion, local art and artists, experience, and living in such an isolated yet connected area.
Their most recent work includes the production and direction of ‘ghost’d’, a short film (2024), a multimedia body of work called ‘Near and Dear’ exhibited at the National Art School (2024), a multidisciplinary theatre performance ‘This is Who I Am’ (2024), as well as being the lead singer of ‘Diversity Hires’, a teenage band established this year. Max is also a member of the Office for Youth’s Creative Industries Youth Advisory Group, and a keen advocate for the arts and a voice for young, regional creatives.
Throughout the Horizons program they have learnt about what it means to be an artist and how to ‘make it’ in the creative world, and balance creating with the rest of their hectic life. They have enjoyed connecting with other young creatives in NSW.
Artwork description
Ghost’d, 2024, short film
Near and Dear, 2024, oil-based ink on paper, block ink on paper, film strip, various pictures and sentimental objects.
Artist Statement
‘ghost’d’ is a short film that I wrote, directed, edited this year as part of a workshop run through West Darling Arts. It tells the story of a ghost struggling with feelings of loneliness and not fitting in, until they find another ghost and realises that they don’t fit in with everyone and that’s okay. You have to find your people in the world. The film is a projection of my experiences making friends in a small town, and how connection can manifest in many different ways.
The base idea of the ghost came from an assignment I did back in year 10 for my art class. I made a ‘patchwork’ ghost (a metaphor for feeling isolated; the patches to represent identity) out of an old tablecloth and scrap fabric, went out into the bush and took some photos with it. It was then exhibited at the Broken Hill City Art Gallery as part of arts/COOL’s 2023 show, ‘Perspective’.
Fast forward to 2024, where the idea for ghost’d struck. Out of pure luck, PCYC and West Darling Arts were running a 10-week creative workshop, and that’s how ghost’d was born. It was my first proper gig as a director/producer/editor and it was great! It felt full circle because my best friend ended up playing the main protagonist.
‘near and dear’ is a multimedia body of work I made as part of the National Art School’s HSC Studio Intensive program for year 11 students, to equip them with skills in their preferred discipline to use for their year 12 body of work. My studio discipline was Printmaking, under the guidance of an artist and lecturer at the school.
The work entails 7 prints. Some I made for fun (representing my love for my practice) and others depicting things people had given me and things I hold near and dear to my heart. They are little things like a note from a friend, my calendar, and a print of what’s usually in my bag. The work is accompanied by some other things I love, such as film and photos and writing things on a typewriter. It serves as a reminder to find joy and purpose in the small things.
I wanted to pair my installation with my film as both of the works are about connection. Connection to identity, connection to people, connection to the world around you. Although these works are vastly different, they both have the same collective idea.